Aaron John Rulison
I'm a writer in San Francisco. Check out my YA Sci-Fi Novel:

Sixteen-year-old Joe Warner's dad is dead at the hands of Mayor Ulloz's rogue security guards. Joe must win the citywide neurobotics contest for prize money to support his mom and avoid eviction from their apartment in dirt-poor Railroad District.
To win, Joe will have to take down Lance Pohlko, captain of the top team from wealthy Yachts High School and supremacist soldier.
Joe worries that he won't be able to overcome the wealth advantage of Lance’s team, who trained their neurobot with an expensive supercomputer. So Joe prepares a backup plan: Unleash a spectacular attack on Lance in exchange for a cash payment from The Tanner, a Railroad District counter-supremacist.
Besides earning the cash, Joe wouldn't mind taking a little revenge for his dad's murder. And that's where his real trouble begins.